In the latest instalment of showcasing the stories of adventurers around the World, we meet Dan and Alain, who are currently cycling from London to Bangkok. We sat down with them a few weeks in to their trip to understand what drove them to do it, as well as their favourite experiences so far.

‘Just do it. There is no right time to do anything. You’ve just got to take the plunge in that adventure you want to take.’

Firstly, hello! Can you tell us who you are and a bit about yourselves 

We are Alain and Dan, currently cycling from London to Bangkok. I (Dan) started cycling in my hometown of Chesterfield, and met up with Alain in London. We are currently in Venice! We first met at Nottingham university studying tropical sciences and have been friends for 8 years.

What an adventure cycling from London to Bangkok, why did you decide to do it? 

We’ve always had the passion for adventure and the desire to do something extreme and challenging. Since graduating from university, we’ve carried out conservation work in Costa Rica, working with turtles, birds, sloths, jaguars etc. (on and off). Since graduating, we have also worked jobs in England that we weren’t super passionate about; conservation work didn’t pay so we would have to go back to England to make money. We really enjoyed the conservation work but we both also want to see the rest of the  world and keep exploring. It was time for a new challenge, set by ourselves, and done off our own backs.

How long did you plan for before you left?

In December 2022, we met up just to catch up. The conversation led to us talking about going on a big challenging adventure. We spoke about cycling the length of Poland over Christmas, but then realised it was too short notice, we weren’t prepared, the weather would be a bit chilly, and my (Dan) mum would cry if I wasn’t home for Christmas. We decided to leave that plan, but agreed we would do something in the future. Over the Christmas break 2022, we both got deep into watching adventure documentaries on Netflix and YouTube and were inspired to cycle the world from them. We cycled London to Paris in March 2023, learned a few things, and were confident and excited to then go further. Bangkok, here we come.

A few weeks in now, what has been the thing that has surprised you most? 

The hospitality. People have given us a bed to sleep in, breakfast and dinner. (When we are not camping we use – a website in which cyclists host other cyclists). We’ve been left alone in their house whilst they’ve gone to work so we could have a lie in. The trust and goodwill is beyond belief.

What is the one item you have with you that you couldn’t do without?

Dan: apart from the necessities I.e a tent, clothes etc. I’d have to say my cameras; capturing our journey is part of the reason I’m doing this; I love filming and telling a story and my cameras allow me to do this………….Alain: Rubix cube. Sometimes we can go days without internet or phone battery so having something like a rubix cube can always keep you busy. My record is 2:01 so I’m gunning for sub 2 minutes.

Have you always been adventurous? 

Dan: yes, growing up I would always be outside playing or doing adventurous activities on a weekend or go away camping with my family. I attempted to run the length of Ireland in 2018 but failed when on day 2 my knee buckled, but we live and learn. So far, all is going smoothly on this trip. Alain: I have always enjoyed running and a good 5 or 10k race. I have set challenges before such as running for 180 days straight, which I’ve done twice, but it wasn’t enough. 

What has been your favourite place so far? 

Dan: my favourite place was the alps. I love the mountains. I feel at peace in the mountains. When you have massive  land formations towering over you it puts you in your place and you are just in awe at the beauty of the world. Alain: the river Rhine and the alps. They’re both an amazing place to cycle for days on end. I was in amazement constantly, which is the beauty of riding on a bike.

What make and type of bikes are you riding and how are they holding up? 

We are both riding vintage British bikes. Alain is riding a Dawes Horizon (1990), and I’m (Dan) riding a Revolution Country Explorer. They’re holding up really well; they’re definitely built too last. We’re doing this whole trip on a budget and this includes the bikes. We both paid around £200 each for our bikes. I think this proves that you don’t need loads of money to travel, be adventurous, and see the world.

Have you had any difficult moments yet or any close calls? 

Our first half of north Italy has been out most challenging part yet. We’ve been riding through the European heatwave, we both got ill and were bed bound for 2 days, and the cycle paths were terrible. Italy was destroying us but the second half, cycling into Verona, lake Garda, and Venice, have been smooth sailing and enjoyable.

What would you say to anybody who is reading this and wants to do something like this but doesn’t know where to start, or is nervous about doing it? 

Just do it. There is no right time to do anything. You’ve just got to take the plunge in that adventure you want to take. You’ll always be a bit nervous. You’ll always probably never quite have enough money, but if you’re passionate enough about it, you’ll make it work. In summary, just go for it. You’ve got one life. Go live it.

If you’re not sure how to go about doing it, YouTube is your friend. Lots of cool people are doing amazing and adventurous things out there! To be able to get a first person view of someone doing something you’re interested in can provide the information and inspiration you need to go for it!

If you want to follow Dan and Alain on their adventures, they can be found on Instagram under @djcresswe11 and @aggvelo and their videos can be watched on YouTube under

If you want to be featured on our next dreamtime stories, please drop us a note!

Happy adventures

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